One of the biggest examples of technological advancements is the immense change in programming platforms. With a range of Application existing in the market for web application, PHP and Dot Net is considered as a leading and a highly accepted website development application technology. Basically PHP which is a scripting language which used to generate dynamic web pages which in turn bring interactivity with your users. This language can also be written in HTML. But nowadays, PHP along with MY SQL is being used to construct some of the most powerful online databases.
Keeping in view the complex nature of PHP web development, hiring of highly skilled and experienced PHP developers becomes extremely crucial. Several benefits of hiring a PHP developer include reducing development cost since PHP also integrates with a number of open source applications like Joomla, Drupal, WordPress etc. Being an open source technology it allows the user to make use of all platforms like Apache, Solaris, windows, Linux and various other platforms in order to take advantage of the investments made.When you hire PHP developer you should care to find if he or she knows how effectively the XML is supported with 5th version. Now XML files work unified way and the efficiency of processing data has become compatible with W3C school specification. With SimpleXML in support 5th version has made parsing RSS files, REST results too much easy.